east forsyth


East Forsyth Athletics Information


A full program of interscholastic varsity and junior varsity sports for young women and men is offered at East Forsyth High School which includes: baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, football, golf, indoor and outdoor track, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, volleyball, and wrestling.

To be eligible for participation on an interscholastic team, a student must maintain a 2.0 QPA and pass a minimum load of work during the preceding semester to qualify at any time during the present semester. The semester is normally considered half of the academic year. A minimum load is defined as three block courses, six year long courses, or a combination of the two. Evidence of legal age with date of birth must be established and on file with the school. A physical examination, copy of birth certificate, and insurance are required before the student can practice.

Students who participate in and attend extra-curricular functions and athletic events are representing the student body at East Forsyth High School. Accordingly, students are expected to display appropriate behavior at such functions. Athletics require a healthy body, as well as, a healthy mind. To be eligible to participate in athletics, the student with the consent of his/her parents must agree in writing to submit to random alcohol, anabolic steroid and drug testing. In addition to testing students for alcohol, the students shall be tested for the presence of marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, anabolic steroids and any other drugs the superintendent deems appropriate as recommended by Partnership for a Drug Free NC. If an athlete or auxiliary participant is suspended out of school, they will also be unable to participate in the extracurricular or sports activity on the day(s) of the suspension. If a student is suspended from school for an alcohol or other drug related violation, the student will be suspended from participation in athletics and/or extracurricular activities for a minimum of thirty (30) school days. Students may be suspended or expelled from such activities for a longer time period at the discretion of the principal or the principals designee.

Athletic letters and stars may be earned through participation in a varsity sport at East Forsyth. Displaying athletic letters and stars on jackets is an honor, which is reserved solely for the student who has achieved this recognition.


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